For the most part the ./d use can be both fun and rewarding, adding a bit of mystery or drama to what sometimes may just be a regular boring day. But unfortunately there have been a few who have abused this privilege. Some Players have been impersonating others and then proceeding to spam, grief and in general break server rules whilst pretending they are someone else. Luckily as far as I know no one has suffered server consequences due to this, but I fear it may happen if it continues. I for one have a clean record of never being banned and would like to keep that "forever". Worst part is from what I've personally experienced one can not check who is doing it. The /realname does not discover someone using the ./d and feel that should not be. I hope that staff at least has ability to check impostors if need be, but staff is not always around and players have no way of proving abuse if they cant check who is doing it. Pic's would only show the impersonator as the player they are impersonating. Well I hope staff returns a solution to this or my suggestion is to remove this all together if players continue to abuse it.
Ya I asked many staff members about people /d as you then griefing Infront of people so they report you.
Keep in mind someone as the same rank as you could /d as you, and /nick as your nick. Identity theft....
Guys. Just tell the staff to shutdown Survival for a little bit and put this command in Vip+ Ranks perms. --disguise (USERNAME)
If its their nickname then yes, for example, my nickname is HawtPawt, you can also make your nickname HawtPawt
It will look like another player but when we check logs it will show up as the actual player ign held responsible. So no worries on someone trying to set you up. Lol