So, I was at a drop party at /spawn in the Survival Towny server, and all of the sudden, Darkbladekyru starts talking to me in private message saying stuff like how I was banned, I'm a cheater, no admins like me, etc. Not to mention just earlier he was disrespecting staff after a mute that was taken away. Proof:,kY9oPHB
I will talk to him and make sure he doesn't go overboard which what he says. Reference for him: He got t.banned for agreeing on doing a give-back for the first PVP fight but didn't say anything for the 2nd fight meaning all fights are fair and all drops can be kept, Person who was killed got mad and @Akkarr got involved. You side of the story please.Since he didn't agree or say anything about givebacks for the second round and got called a thief. Me and @Volkrot already spoke to him and he didn't have to give back the sword or whatever was dropped which he he originally looted from killing Aussie.