So I have playing the zombie server for a little bit and got past level 50. Although it is very fun running around slaughtering zombie it is also very boring because at high levels it takes 4 to 5 hits to take down one zombie. I understand the it should be difficult but could we exchange the 4 to 5 hits aspect of that to may be get custom enchants like sharpness 6,7,8,9 or 10 on higher donor ranks such as legend or god and add more zombies into each of the higher levels. Also maybe more custom enchants such as posion on a sword or jump boost on the boots and unbreaking 4,5,6, or 7
The unbreaking for armour sounds awesome, I hate having to repair so often, especially in the higher rounds. It should cost a lot more to have though. More unbreaking for the bow especially is needed, I go through a bow often in under an hour. Also, I noticed it only spawns in 50 zombies, I don't know if this is for lag or not, but at the higher rounds it seems a little underwhelming to me training only around 30 zombs at a time (less if more people are playing).
They should make it so that you have to enchant books or another sword to sharpness or smite and combine them to make the process more difficult to get over powered unbr 10 sharp 10 smite 10 etc, you actually have to put good work into getting something good
But in my opinion they should lower the protection on armor and raise the Unbreaking because my issue isn't not dying when I get to later rounds it's having to repair my armor for 2k every chance I get and I feel like trying to live should be more important then armor status