Hai guys. I liek color names. In all seriousness, I think that colored names would be a simple incentive for members to stay longer. Just something simple that we all would probably like.
ya instead of just the special players getting to color their names... As in Skylord+ could.. or Skylegend.. (Since we all know Skylegend has SOOOO many perms)
All staff have the ability to change their color names. If you play on Survival, you may recall a mod named Gluupor, and another named ZhiRongPro. Neither of these mods used the color red in their names, so taking out red wouldn't carry over to these colors. There are, of course others who have multicolored names, but I chose to mention these two for no specific reason .
It wouldn't kill to get colored names for trusted people(not the rank in survival),long time members, etc
There was a similar thread like this. To go to the thread about players suggesting Color Nicks, >CLICK HERE< We won't let players change their names to colors as they wish as it would mess up the list, tabs etc making it harder for players to focus on chat because everyone would be all over the place. The color names right now are fine as they are. The reason why we took out their red in survival (and some on other server) is because their chat is already red, if the names were to be red as well then it would be harder to lookout for them as some notice are in full red thus, we make their names a different color.
Couldnt we just keep the prefixes the same to prevent impersonating? That way, everyone will know thats their rank.
Not everyone knows to look at the prefix. Most players, especially newer players, know to look for important colors such as red or dark blue when looking for a staff member, so they wouldn't know to look at the prefix to make sure.
Important colors? Um what? If you are new you will not be able to tell what a staff rank/normal player is? Also donators have differents colors.. So ya..
I'm just saying that newer people may be used to generic color schemes and may take someone's word for being a staff member if they fit the specific color scheme. Keep in mind that most Minecraft players are of the younger age and do not think to look at the entire name everytime, but only at the words. In fact, many other players, even older, also tend to do this. If this change were to come into play, there will be people who will take advantage of it to scam other players. I've seen it happen elsewhere.
How about this, a new player comes on, wants to look for staff, holds tab or does /who or /list to see everything is in colors, criss-cross eyes, looking everywhere (Since preflix also has colors) It's going to take some time, what if they were being killed by someone in a non-PVP area and really needed assistance? Everyone has colors, they wouldn't pay much attention to chat. Or because there is too much color in chat that they can't pay attention to it? There are a lot of reasons why we deny this.
Well if they did /list... They would be able to see their rank, and be able to tell that staff is not on..
Many newer players might not know how to do commands such as these. Keep in mind again that they majority of minecraft players are of the younger age, so they might not retain this information from other sources. Even if they are coming from another server, it is possible the command might be different there. Also remember that we also get players come in that have never played Minecraft before and do not know how to do basic commands.