I have a proposal that I think would be great for AEM and the players to: Last night I was on and Truffle (Trouble1122) did something that would spark this idea. I am a skylegend and she made my "/nick" purple and in the chat I saw everyone wanted a purple nametag. Now I know what your thinking, "no, we cant just give every non- donator the option to just get a purple, etc. nametag". I have a solution, Its kind of a skylord and skylegend perk only but its only because only they can use /nick. Skylords and Skylegends can have the opportunity to go on www.aemservers.net/shop/skyblock and buy the ability to theoretically, as an example do "/nick &dDuncan" or any other color that isn't used by any other ranks, or staff. Like yellow (&e), dark blue (&1), purple (&d), etc. The prices for each of these colors can be $5.00-$7:00 (prices can be discussed). Anyway thanks for checking out my idea and I really hope it works out for the better, I really thought hard about this and tried to come up with a reasonable solution. - Duncan
This can not just be used for people in skyblock, any other servers ranks that can do /nick can have this perk
It's not a bad idea but I disagree with this. If you hold tab or /who it'll be too messy. With the color it is now, it's easy to tell what donor rank you are making our job easier to maintain. But if you add in the colors, it's just going to be a mess. Having to /who and finding the name and rank. Also know that some players will abuse the color nick. So my thoughts on this is a no.
I said in the original statement that this could only be a perk for people who have ranks that can have /nick so then it wouldn't be to messy, because only skylords and skylegends can buy them.
Also, in Essentials, there isn't a way to give an exact color permission for /nick, its just essentials.nick.color.