A few people have been complaining about "not knowing X was against the rules" gray areas are found in a lot of the rules lists and well to be honest its hard to tell whats a rule and what isn't. Now I think that if we made 101 fences all with rules on it would become unrealistic for anyone to read, but I think that an extensive rule list on this site would be better. This is mainly so that older users can tell what can and cannot be done in more complex cases. In an example of this there was a pixel art on a island in skyblock that was "inappropriate" now I understand why this was an offence and I think the person who built it was banned from skyblock but the rules didn't really say this wasn't allowed of that it all had to be child appropriate. There is a lot of examples of these and I think that case by case as the rules for each of the servers evolve the various threads should contain subsections that tell us why players have been banned/what they did wrong if they have been banned for something that wasn't clearly listed as against the rule's. It will help clear A LOT of confusion up and then at the end of the day no one will be able to complain that they didn't understand a rule or any other reason because they will be clearly listed. At the end of the day it will clear up a fair bit of confusion, with minimal effort on the behalf of the server and will make it less risky to play. I live in fear of the day I get a ban for accidentally breaking a rule especially after donating.
you can do /rules to see the rules for the gamemode you are playing on, and people should use good judgement on what to do/build... some people don't go on the forums at ALL so... its ok... but some people might not see the rules cause they don't go on the forums
Yes im not saying to remove /rules or to remove the signs. What I am saying is that there should be a fuller list on the forums because im not finding /rules to be complete (not to mention a few other people have had bother with the rules not being clear enough and its stressed them out because they don't want to get a ban for breaking a rule that wasn't clear enough).
Ok... I get what you mean but some people might not go on the forums, like me I played AEM network for a couple months before I made a forums account, and also some people could just ask a staff member if they can do something, so this is a OK idea in my opinion
Yeah I get what your saying which is why I think we should keep all the rules displayed in game exactly the same but as I have said there's a gray area, for example in this thread and as I have mentioned with the pixel art, I am sure there's many other examples. It wouldn't be to hard to make a clearer fuller list of rules with explanations of when/how the rules would come into play and the kind of punishment for breaking them. It would clear a lot up and would make the confused players a lot happier and those who aren't confused would never have to think twice about it.
I did see them but I was thinking if they where more of a work in progress, as I know the rules say the staff can ban anything reasonable I think as situations arise they could pop them into the applicable rules section. In all honesty though making the ban lists and reasons public probably helped a lot in this case as a simple search through the bans can show you if someone has been banned for something similar to what your doing.
good good! I do like that the ban list is public now. You can close this now if you want Alex cheers for taking the time to check up.