Need assistance - I claimed a town and 8 plots over a world created village. However once I created the town, I found that the village was already protected by either Admin, Mod, or build team. There is no way to set my permissions to allow me to: 1) Place a block 2) Remove/move/destroy a block. This being said there are several courses of action that can be taken. 1) (Best Case) Allow me to unclaim the areas and provide a refund for the cost of the plots and towns and I will move elsewhere and set a town 2) (Alternative) Remove the protection from the village and allow me to use it as my town base. 3) (Worst Case) I unclaim it and suck up the lose of $4210 that I spent to create an unusable town. I have worked with both ZhiRongPro and ZRinne to correct the situation, however they are not sure as to how to handle this as they cannot refund the moneys. Please assist and advise.
It has been fixed - Thanks to ZhiRongPro, zRinne, and Jerkel for all the assistance on this issue. Well done guys and gals!