I'm sure this has been asked plenty of times already. But it just keeps making me think... why? Just why? "NO GOD PLEASE NO" - Steve Carell. But why can't Skyblock have chest shops? How does skygrid (atm has more players on it) have chest shops? Do players just all of a sudden have a different mindset? I understand that they removed chest shops because people abused them. How come y'all over at the AEM Royal Staff Hotel just remove it completely? Chest shops encourage players to use other people as a recourse. Auctions are horribly inefficient. You have to wait to sell something. I think it will encourage more people to donate and chest shops will DEFINITELY attract more players. You know that sign at the front of the admin shop explaining why the prices are so high? It says to encourage people to buy and or trade from other people. I find it ironic that chest shops were removed with the mindset to encourage player interaction. I remember when Skyblock was the SHIT. Pardon my French but seriously, it was the most popular server on AEM. Even skygrid has more players on it! For anybody that doesn't know, but skygrid has chest shops. Chest shops provide a large part to the island. More things to do, more reason to be on the server. Last but not least, ITS FUN! Don't tell that its not pleasing to have people deciding to turn to YOU and give you THEIR money for your recourses. The feeling that it gives you is simply awesome! Unfortunately I was clumsy and posted the thread while half finished so I don't have a vote. Im sure many people back me up on this suggestion though. There must be a way to have a chest shop system implemented without people abusing it. How does skygrid not have the problem? I'm sure that sorting out the whole "donors giving members chest shops" thing can be fixed. PLEASE consider the idea! Its not like there is only one chest shop system out there. Ones without the flaw of the last one. It will definitely help out the server. Thanks for reading.... if you actually got through it. Chris.
I think this is a great idea! This encourages players to build shops bigger and better than their rivals and keep them going without the hassle of being online and helping people out. Give us a chance, skygrid has so much more people and I'm sure nothing (big) has gone wrong with the chest shops. I don't see a way people can "abuse" the it anyways. I definitely believe that chest shops will bring more players. When non-donators go to chest shops they realize how cool it would be to be an owner of one, just another reason why to donate. It can provide a steady income to donators and will help the sky block economy flow better. Think of the pros and cons.
Well if it was abused then it needs to be REMOVED completely till staff/devs have decided that it has been fixed properly and if there is still cons to it then it most likely not be added.
This is a great idea, not sure how well this would work in skyblock but having chest shops sounds awesome!
Uh, I fail to see how chest shops would be useful without the ability to freely warp and teleport between areas. In skygrid, free players can use warps to get around to areas, but skyblock isn't like that. You have to be a donor in order to teleport, so chest shops aren't that useful unless a plot system for chest shops was added. But in all honesty, I don't think the devs will be changing their minds about the chest shops. They were abused before, and they will probably be abused again. If you really wanted to buy/sell something, you could just ask in chat. If you don't get a response, then nobody is interested in buying/selling.
True, but the way the chests will be set up the donors will profit off their chests. I'm assuming the OP is asking for chest shops for all, and there is no way that will be put back into skyblock.
Its hard to see how skygrid has em', with more players they don't have the problem? Silly. Chest shops have been out of the game for some time now. It seems like there have been no attempts to implement a fixed version. Most developers are getting banned (god knows why). Making good progress huh....no, no not really.
We wanted the chest shops to be a donator perk only, for the reason you'll need /tpa, /tpahere or /is setwarp to even have people come to your isle. But we didn't wish for the VIPs to have to worry about /tpa requests constantly so we made it you'd have to be the donator rank where you can do /is setwarp Some donators came along, made chest shops for non-donators, we had to remove the chest shop entirely. With the coding Chest Shop has we really don't have a fix for it, nor a fix for it any time soon due to most of our devs we're working with is getting OP Prison FINALLY opened to the public.
The server needs more perks for a donor. And that would most definitely attract more attention. Maybe give the server another chance? Make chest shops a VIP+ perk. 5 dollars is not that much for VIP. There can't be anyway that skygrid doesn't have the same problem. Most skyblock people are on skygrid now!