Im so confused because people are wanting the server in 1.7 but compatible with 1.8 but how is 1.7 better than 1.8 im so confused. People are saying 1.8 messed up server (100% disagree I think it made it better) how did 1.8 mess up server and why u want 1.7 its confusing to be honest I don't know why people are saying this anyone know?
A lot of people want 1.7 because it is better for pvp. 1.8 is better for everything else, as it adds new features, along with bug fixes.
There is more players that play on 1.7 then there are that play 1.8 therefore making 1.7 and 1.8 it will bring more players cause people are lazy to switch versions. And 1.7 you can blockhit better then 1.8 so thats why people like the pvp better but personlly i dont.
You can't simply make a server 1.7 and 1.8... Because then, all of the work that they put into 1.8 will all go to waste. Plus, 1.7 users will not be able to play, because the 1.8 players will have all of the 1.8 things (Sea temples, bunnies, etc). I know, it's a bit confusing.
I don't want it 1.7 I want it 1.8 on all because 1.8 is better (in my opinion) for the server it adds more stuff (dorite,andesite,granite polished versions) sea temples and more. It has more things and this makes it more fun and better (in my opinion)