Hello and welcome everyone, all or most of you know of my plans and creations I have made to contribute and to help the community of AEM Survival, mainly at /warp Brobe40. But I feel it is not enough, at my warp I will be building access to the surface zone which will have a centre structure a little Christmas tree (Ignore that) and the Main shopping mall. As of this moment I am creating blueprints/plans for a Tower which will hold by base of operations. And will have 6+ Offices as it will always be expanding. This offices are what I am here to talk to you all about, each office has it's own unique feature to the player which it holds, and I will be listing below what will be going into those offices. Please note this is where you can apply and I am not stopping the ability for you guys to see others applications. Brobe Industries (HQ) Gardener: This position is as what the title says Gardener, and it's job is to replant any crops that have not been planted, and is to keep the farm up and running also by keeping crops fully grown. For this Bones will be provided from the Skeleton grinder which will stay on auto kill and collect. So Welcome the Gardener Title Miner: This position is as what the title says Miner but you are mainly used to expand area or to form build the landscape of structure that will be built. This position is the most important for when it comes to new structures or homes. Any Instructions will be given by me or notified within your office. Welcome the Miner Title Builder: This position is as what the title says Builder, you are in charge of building what I need exactly how I want it. No different, no less. You will also be in charge of constructing set homes people may purchase but ONLY while I am online, as the money needs to be sent to me, Any money is used for the City and its needs. you will also be in charge of collecting the materials needed for these Houses which a chest will show what you need exactly. Your instructions will be given by myself or will be placed within your office. Welcome the Builder Title Grinder Watch: This position in again as what the title says and you will be in charge of the Grinders within the City. You may be requested to find some spawners needed for the Grinder which you or even take some Miners with you into /warp pit or /warp nether and locate as such. You will also be in charge at making sure all features of the Grinder are set to its default position so no lag is caused towards the server. Welcome the Grinder Watch Title Shop keeper: This position will be in charge of looking after the shop, you will gather materials needed to restock or report any out of stock shops to the Shop records book (NEVER SIGN) All the money will be sent to me and will be used towards creating the city better where needed. Welcome the Shop Keeper Title Grief Patrol: This Position you will need a good amount of memory or smart to have Screenshots of each area . Now with this Potion you will require Skype so If you think or know an area has been griefed that you send me a Screenshot ASAP. So then I can get onto it as soon as possible. This Position require the least amount of work as your just checking for Grief. This title also require that you have /fly. Welcome the Grief Patrol Title More positions will be created as I think of them and as the Community City is created. This City and this Industry is of no profit to the Titles as its all to help out the Community players. Each of you will have your own Office and nothing is kept from any other Title positions. Application by Comment: here below are the Questions and the layout you will need to comment to be able to apply for one of the Title Positions, all will be looked at and will be judged fairly their is no favorite selections between known players. If you have any Questions please /msg Brobe40 if I am online or /mail Brobe40 if you are not. You may also ask a msg to be passed onto me through Shadowpyrolily which she will send the msg to me Via Skype, please make sure you send through Pyro stating your Ign so I may reply to such. So lets get started Application Must be set out as below: In Game Name - Age - Title/Position - Active (yes/No) - Why would I choose your Application? - Are you applying for Profit or to Help out the AEM Community? - Do you work well with Others? (yes/No) - What rank to you have? - Do you have any suggestions towards this Industrie ? - Be Aware! Brobe Industries Will Be Recreated When The Server Does A Full Reset I May Decide That People Re-Apply Or Titles Are Carried Over To The New World, A Location Will Be Based In The Middle Of The Ocean And Will Be Fair Away From Any Spawn This Will Be Assisted By Staff If Possible. Also Make Sure You Are Always Watching This Thread For New Updates! Thank You Thank you all for applying I will read them as they come through and the Application will be edited if I feel I need to know more. You will be alerted when you have been chosen when HQ has been Built. Thank you. List Of Employees: Gardener - - Miner - - Builder - - Grinder Watch - - Shop Keeper - - Grief Patrol - - Congratulations To Those who Obtained A Title/Position!
Polo_17 15yrs old. Builder Yes; Active. I work well establishing designs and patterns and figuring out what materials can be arranged for different situations. Please take note of the spawn area at /town spawn AcaciaCity I wanted to attenpt to build such a thing like this myself, however you've made more progress in this matter, so I figure why not contribute to your success. I am in it for the community aspect. I do work well with others, I am very passive and do not like tension. If others do not cooperate I'd rather take initiative and finish the job myself than argue about it. Please acknowledge my application. Sincerely, Marco Martinez (Polo_17)
In Game Name - pottsa19 Age - 14 Title/Position - Miner ;P Active (yes/No) - Yes, Daily. Why would I choose your Application? - I have a quite high McMMO, access to make Haste 2 potions, and I am dedicated to mine when asked. Are you applying for Profit or to Help out the AEM Community? - Any tips would be appreciated, but if you do not want to pay me you would not need to. Do you work well with Others? (yes/No) - Yes
Thank you Thecole3, Pottsa19 and Polo_17 for Applying I will be awaiting the construction of HQ and more Applications to come through. Please spread the word. Thank you
Thank you It is currently 11:17am When this msg is sent I may be able to get on around say 5:00pm -6:30pm depends what I need to do
Yeah I was not quite sure about the Black Could not find a Nice looking Colour will try and fixas soon as I get home, Plus I live in Australia so Idk what Timezone, Don't ask me to find out lol
With out pay? What would be the incentive? All of those positions are hard work, you should list what compensation your offering to players. o_O
Yellow it's a community thing (Volunteering) basically, I have this designed to help the newer players as we'll as players arm to continue, eveything will be carried over with the reset but offices etc will need to be rebuilt once the reset has come
Could I please have everyone possible try and get more people to apply please I will need people for the other positions as well. Thank you