alex542b is an overlord on kitpvp. Whenever you see him in any arena, it's always 6. The reason for this is because when you go to fight him, he will fight for a tiny amount of time, then run to the water and bow spam you. Then he pots up thinking that will help him. When it doesn't, he goes back to the water and bow spams. If you ever get the chance, I highly suggest you go waste your time on this scrub. It's hilarious watching the biggest kitpvp noob on AEM in his natural habitat.
It's not that easy Diamonds1358, seeing as how the water is around a castle. When you try to bow him into the corner, he will bow you back then go to the other side of the water and attempt to spawn.
Just because you don't like the guy dose'nt mean you need to make a fourm post about him. We all have our opinions