Hello I'm COMMENCE123 and I was wondering when the reset happens that the kits should get modified a bit to. So I this is how the kits should be like in the reset if you make it happen. (hope it does) And The kit should also keep its armor as well. Vip: 32 cobblestone, armor, sword, bow, golden apple, and steak. Supporter: 64 cobblestone, armor, sword, bow, golden apple, and steak. Elite: 96 cobblestone, armor, sword, bow, golden apple, and steak. Premium: 128 cobblestone, armor sword, bow, golden apple, and steak. Sponser: 16o cobblestone, armor sword, bow, golden apple, and steak. SkyGod: 224 cobblestone, armor, sword, bow, golden apple, and steak. (The armor from the previous kit should stay as well and thank you for reading my suggestion) (hope this happens).
Yeah kinda like that but in skygrid we just get armor and sword and bow and others but not blocks to build with if we are donaters i'm just trying to spice up the kits a little.
Oh okay well, I really like the kits on skyblock go to shop.aemservers.net if you waanna check it out yourself. The higher the rank the better tools more blocks and armor they get
well if you want my honest opinion we should go back to the way we had it before where we had kit darmor for premium and up every 4days kit dtools every 3days elite and up and that was that you dealt with it
That long for a kit? No that's way to long and actually i'm just asking if we can add like cobblestone in out kits to build with. That's all i'm asking for. No eggs just cobblestone or some time of other blocks as well.