I'm reporting this fraudulant fool bbro11 on factions about 30 mins to and hour ago for using the excuse of chairty to gain money I have screenshot in several instances of it conferming his claim multiple times which also is a violation of no spamming chat rule, this individual needs to be removed or punished. I think with 4 screenshots showing the same message and the content used should be sufficent enough to have this individual removed perminately as it is breaking not only the illigal scamming rule but also the spamming chat rule which he continued the same text every 3 to 5 mins I believe for an additional hour after I posted this, also promising should anyone donate to him that they'd be place on youtube for a prize the only changes he made was so excuse of him dying from a "vers" then to "virus" to gain pitty. Personally this is a discust and waste of time and honor on his part mainly but I'll leave it up to the administrators to decide his fate either way please remove him from our server community atleast thank you. ElderWolfAngel
True as scamming for donator ranks requires the intails of real money which is also what this P.O.S was doing using charity as the excuse he wasn't asking for game money he was asking for donations to his cause that would be rewarded by being placed on youtube we typically distiguish rl money from game money by the simple request of asking for say 1k or 500 not using charity or donations. Not to mention he still is in violation of no spamming chat if he was only looking for game money but to prove my point on that if I must, I'll place the realistic definition of spamming in this post to back up my claim : Chat spamming Chat spamming is the repetition of a word or line typed out by a player using a game's chat system. Most games have some form of text messaging built for in-game communication, there is little to stop a frustrated player from flooding a server with text in the same way a user can flood a chat room. Some servers enforce rules regarding text spamming, possibly resulting in players being kicked or banned. Some games allow text to be turned off or mute the player after a limited number of messages at the same time, hence nullifying this form of spamming. People usually "Copy and Paste" or use spambots. which this individual did true it wasn't one after another but the consistancy of 5- mins every message + doing it for ~2 hours makes this legit so my case stands and I hope I don't see this person return to our server, though i'm well aware to use the /ignore command on situations like this I'm tired of these spammers now if their actually marketing selling items sure I can respect that and honor it but ppl begging for money or begging for a faction are just plain out annoying.
Spamming is not a serious enough infraction to warrant a ban depending on what the content being spammed is. At most it's a mute or kick with warning and maybe a tempban if continued after being asked to stop by staff. Not all infractions are met with the same severtity.
naturally which is why I stated I'll leave it to the admins to decide however the individual was asked to stop by multiple ppl and the way apparently factions is being run now is there is no warning it's an automatic tempban as a warning at least according to the last case with nick_gody of course the only staff that appeared at the scene was a mod and a helper nothing was done even after the requests to shut him up were made it's like I said I understand completely that mods and admins have lives outside of MC and they can't always be there it's why people make these reports with evidence to back it. I'm not saying the authorities are not doing their jobs, I'm just stating the fact this individual is in violation of rules and needs to be punished according to those rules, though I've not seen him return lately and I personally don't hope to see him return. It's bad enough with ppl freaking out of claims of server resets and whining about how their gonna lose all their titles if aem gets canned by mojang I hear it daily and though I try and explain that it's not gonna happen you can't stop a rumor from spreading like wild fire out there. So as I left it I'm leaving it to the appropriate measures I personally don't want this individual to return for the simple fact that their annoying message is not only unnecessary it's down right pathetic but again that's just personal opinion.