Who are you reporting?: What server was this on?: How long ago was this?: What did he/she do?: Proof: 1. I'm am reporting Angetheo. 2. This was on skygrid. 3. This happened on Monday, July 7 at 12:05 pm 4. He made KarenThePrincess(Another player) add him on the land and he stole everything in the chest. 5. I know I need proof or you won't believe me but I am pretty sure no one that has a lot of land can have absolutely nothing in the chest to help her make the land. Ask KarenThePrincess about Angetheo. You may still not believe me but I will also remember what Angetheo did to a girl who just want to make friends
This report might not suit your expectations but at least you read it and you can at least watch what Angetheo does on skygrid and possibly other servers.
Sorry, but this is not enough proof to ban him, if that is what you wanted. KarenThePrincess can just do /island restart if she wants her items back. Thank you.