Ban Appeal from zweedish9

Discussion in 'Accepted Ban Appeals' started by zweedish9, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. zweedish9

    Jun 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Member Name zweedish9

    Minecraft Username zweedish9

    Which server were you banned on? KitPvP

    Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for scamming for ranks.

    Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I found a flaw that says on the rules board that you can be banned for scamming for ranks but i did not scam for ranks.I did NOT scam the person using irl money. I scammed using in game money which is not a violation of the rules.In no point of this scam was anybody's hard earned real life money wasted.I also would like to report moderator abuse by StraightUpThug for banning my alt(Which isnt really my alt but was my couisns account that i used to see why he had banned me) I would also like to point out that i have generously donated $15 ,i have even made many youtube vids because its soo much fun and i really have been enjoying this server for thr past half a year so if you were to give me one more chance that would be great,Thank You
    #1 zweedish9, Jul 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  2. StraightUpThug

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    You stated that you would buy my friend a VIP rank for $4,000 in game money. That is scamming for ranks. You even said right to my face "You were just scammed" stating that you knew the rules. On top of scamming staff, you came on an alternate account which is also against the rules. I see no apology here and take it that you want to prove the rules wrong and just come back on. If you want to return to AEM I need you to explain to me that you understand the rules about scamming for ranks, which you did and that it isn't a flaw in the rules. You said you would spend real life money for in game money, and that is a rule that we take seriously here.
  3. zweedish9

    Jun 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I did say that i would give your friend the vip rank but on the contrary i never took any of his real life money,there was no financial harm done.I thought that this was legal because this had happened to me once before and thought that it was ok.I know what i did was in a way wrong and mean but i didt know that it could get you banned,i guess now i know.With the scamming and everything i partly knew it was not good to scam and that it was mean and honestly i unaware of the alt thing that you mentioned.I had no idea that it was not permitted but also like the rank scamming i guess now i know.Its just that i have seen many times in the chat people have alts and they use them on this server,im just a bit confused as to why my alt,which isnt even mine got banned when i can name many who use alts and even mention it out loud on the server.I partly know that it was wrong to use another account to question your judgement,i was just confused at the moment.Im sorry for what i took and i will give it back with more,i relize now that it was wrong to do that.All i ask is for another chance
    #3 zweedish9, Jul 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
  4. zweedish9

    Jun 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I did say that i would give your friend the vip rank but on the contrary i never took any of his real life money,there was no financial harm done.I thought that this was legal because this had happened to me once before and thought that it was ok.I know what i did was in a way wrong and mean but i didt know that it could get you banned,i guess now i know.With the scamming and everything i partly knew it was not good to scam and that it was mean and honestly i unaware of the alt thing that you mentioned.I had no idea that it was not permitted but also like the rank scamming i guess now i know.Its just that i have seen many times in the chat people have alts and they use them on this server,im just a bit confused as to why my alt,which isnt even mine got banned when i can name many who use alts and even mention it out loud on the server.I partly know that it was wrong to use another account to question your judgement,i was just confused at the moment.Im sorry for what i took and i will give it back with more,i relize now that it was wrong to do that.All i ask is for another chance
  5. StraightUpThug

    Apr 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    Your alt was banned because your account was banned. If you're banned from the server, it is supposed to stay that way, and bringing an alternate account goes right around that. As for this appeal, I will accept it, but in the future know that it is NOT ok to say you're buying ranks for people for in game money, and then stealing the in game money. Scamming for items / money is allowed in kitpvp, just not by saying you will spend real life money on people.