Member Name Zeusy Minecraft Username athenazeus Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? My little brother came on and raged by cussing at everyone and disrespecting staff and im very sorry for that ill make sure he doesn't do it again Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because all my friends go on there and I am officially not letting my brother play anymore so it wont happen again
your account is your responsibility. youll have to make sure only you can get access to your account otherwise you might get in trouble (just like in this case) if you can tell me what you will be doing to prevent this from happening again i might consider this appeal. please respond within 24h. @Zeusy
well its not enough to just "make sure he wont get on your computer again" i would suggest to change your MC password in case he knows it and / or close down your client while you are not on your computer. in any way make sure that he cant use your account at all. (might have to disable the auto login on the launcher)