Member Name zachsizzler Minecraft Username zachsizzler Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I was telling to people to come play another server with me D; Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserve another chance because I donated 80 dollars to the server and I was not thinking about that when I was being stupid and asking people to come play with me on another server. I am very sorry for what I did and would like to be unbanned. I was being very stupid that night and I apolagize to everyone.
View attachment 2029 And you made an appeal why? 1) Donating doesn't help you in this situation at all, it's not worth mentioning. 2) Thinking about your actions is what you need to learn to do and unbanning will not let you to take something from this. Go back onto the server you were playing on. You will not be getting unbanned.
I had a long talk with maddie and she convinced me to come back with her. Also the reason I did make a Ban Appeal is because I was very stupid the only reason I did this is because some people in teamspeak were telling me to do it and then I was told to do it with my alt also. I was kind of being pressured into it by the whole channel and I was not thinking what my actions were going to lead to. I have thought about what I did and I am sorry that I did it. I had played aem for over a year and had some very good friends and maddie being one of them wanted to come back to aem and I wanted to come play with her. As I said I am sorry for what I did and it wasn't even my idea. I know I shouldn't of ended up typing what they said but I am kind of mad that they got me banned. I promise that if you unbanned me from just Skyblock? I would prove myself to be a loyal player again and not do anything bad. Also I will be on teamspeak every time, so that I can repair your trust with me since that was broken also. Please reconsider bomber, I miss aem.
Exactly what was the reasoning behind the ban again, Advertising, right? The server in question is not really that great of a threat and i see no reason not to give a second chance to Zach as long as he keeps to his word.
Like every other players who advertised, they do deserve another chance seeing this is your first ban, I would say a second chance should be okay, if he does anything similar, advertise or rule breaking that deserves a ban, it would be a gban no appeal. Do you understand the consequences of your words and how they can reflect on you? Will you honestly change yourself and make sure nothing of this sort happens again? Just my opinion .
Yes I do realize the consequences and I will honestly make sure nothing like this happens again. Also I can't recall ever saying an ip or name I think I just said aem was bad, and I am sorry as I said above .