Member Name XXkingslayerXX2 Minecraft Username XXkingslayerXX2 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? for calling someone derp and I said it over and over Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? cause I really love this I have played it since 4 years ago and It wasn't really my fault because the person that got me ban started and was being to me than I got mad than called her derp
You were spamming chat with derpy derp over and over. I warned you about it, then i kicked you. I then said next time you do that you're done, you replied with 'Derpy derp.' Please explain why doing this is wrong.
i did something wrong because I spammed derpy derp and derp and when jade is trying to talk I say stfu derp and being mean and spamming is breaking the rules