Member Name Xivim Minecraft Username Xivim Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Apparently because i advertised for another server Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I was asking a friend to hop on a private, personal run server that we use to test out builds before we try them in AEM. Only 2 people use it, and i was only asking for his opinion on a new building we were making. I was not advertising for another server, only talking to a friend about a build of ours.
To quote Sica, who quoted another staff: "As one of the other staff put it recently, why would you go into Burger King and yell "McDonalds!!" Advertising is mentioning another server in anyway, be it in PM or in public chat. This is pretty much a universal rule on any server you play because it lures valuable players away from the server which damages it. Can you please explain why you deserve to be let back on other than you would like to play with your friend? You have 24 hours to reply."
Time is ticking away here. We will not wait much longer on this appeal before it is closed due to lack of response.
I have decided to withdraw my request for an appeal. After seeing how you treat your customer base, i want nothing to do with AEM any longer. The fact that your admins and mods would make these kinds of claims is just atrocious. Lets look at the analogy first. "As one of the other staff put it recently, why would you go into Burger King and yell "McDonalds!!" Advertising is mentioning another server in anyway, be it in PM or in public chat. Hmm, yes, because what i did is log in, and start spamming in chat to join another server. Lets try putting this into something a little bit closer: A friend is at Burger King. I see him there, and walk up to him. Talking quietly, not loud enough that others would overhear, i tell him i just made some kick arse burgers. Why not come over and have some. Hmm, doesn't appear that any cops came to arrest me. Doesn't appear that BK Employees showed up telling me i can never come back. Nope, we go home, have some great burgers, but this doesn't stop anyone from frequenting the BK in question. The fact that you people would enact such a fascist censorship and horrible treatment of your customers only leads me to one conclusion. You really do not care about the people that play on your server. You only care about the All Mighty Dollar. Your customer service is just down right despicable. If your Admin or Mods were worth more then a screen door on a submarine, they might have put a little more work into this. What could they have done better? Lets look at that shall we? If any admin had decided to put more then 3 seconds of work into this situation, they would have looked into the facts. Have i ever been reported for poor player behavior? No Have i ever been banned (temp or perm?) No Do i create hostile situations on the server? No Have i ever been jailed? No Am i a long time player? Yes (not sure my join date, but i have been playing for a long time) Do i work well with others on the server? Yes (i do happen to run the Largest Town (by land size) on the server. This wouldn't happen if i were at all dishonest) Am i a Donator? Yes, i have donated Many many times. Why would i throw that money away by spamming for another server? I know that if i were to sit there, spamming "Hey Look at this server, everyone join it" i would be banned. Everyone knows that's not allowed. The same thing would be true if i were to sit there and whisper 20 people to come join the server. Do i vote for the server? Yes, whenever i can. I have always believed in this server, i felt it was a Home, some where i could make a town of like-minded individuals, and see it prosper. A good sized group of people came to this server. Many of them did not like the fact that there was no (on the survival map) A) Spawn Shop B) Chat Channels or C) Town Teleport Network (such as portals) I convinced them all to stay on, that AEM would be a good server to call home Yet after all that, im still being accused of advertising for another server. I can log onto WoW, whisper a friend "Hey, come play Guild Wars 2" with me, and no ban. no warning. nothing. Yet on AEM i cant even mention anything other then AEM without being banned. Do you know what other group of people operate this way? The Counties of North Korea of China come to mind. Like i said, i would fully concede this if i had spammed this. If i had sat there, trying to get multiple people to leave AEM and play on another server. I was talking to one friend. I wish that this were public, so the rest of the Players on AEM could see this, and be enlightened as to how corrupt and fascist your server really is. I am disappointed that i will have to end my time with the friends i have made here, but i can not in good faith put up with this kind of censorship and down right selfish behavior from the staff of this server. I hope @AlexM850 will look at this and perhaps take a audit of his command staff. I am disappointed, and will not be returning in any form or capacity. Good Day.
The purpose of your ban appeal is to try to work with staff to resolve the issue. I'm sorry to see that you're not even willing to try. Advertising is a serious matter so we treat it that way. It affects server health. If we don't have players, we don't have a server to play on. That's the bottom line so yes, we are severe when it comes to advertising. We are trained to global ban the instant we see an IP pop up because of this. We have no way of knowing what your intentions were or what kind of server IP you were giving out. Regarding #8- A) there is a spawn shop. It's prices are purposefully overdone to encourage trade among players. It's a hard-mode economy based server. B) You have a channel to chat with people in your town and we also have a teamspeak server available. C) Any town you wanted to go to is easily reached with /t spawn (name). 1-7 were things that should have been brought up in your original post so that they can be considered.
Ok well in case you do look back at this, we never intended to upset you. While pip's analogy wasn't perfectly tuned to your particular situation, what he described is advertising and what you did, while indeed quite different still falls under what we still classify as a form of advertisement. Now with such a heartfelt and intelligent responseI'd be willing to accept this appeal if you can accept our apologies for upsetting you which was again, not our intent.