Member Name xDeluxePvpFTWx Minecraft Username xDeluxePvpFTWx Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I Was banned for hacking Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I want someone like the owner to read this because i think its unfair he banned me on the spot. So plz evan dont read this. Cause i didnt even have hax but i did have hax in my versions but i never used them so i think i should be unban.
Well this appeal here: you were stating you didn't have hacks, but then you admit to it to @Evanyoshi later on. I quote him here: You were banned on the spot due to your refusal to show the files, which is the procedure that is set in place by the owner, usually due to you are/were hiding something from staff.