Member Name xDeluxePvpFTWx Minecraft Username xDeluxePvpFTWx Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I didnt show files. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I deserve not to be banned because i dont hack. I swear to my life i dont. Trust me i hate people that hack and i typed all that stuff he told me. And i donated 50 dollars cause i love this server specially skywars.
View attachment 2041 Ok and mods i dont have that cause i don't get get mods or however you have the mods folder
Ok plz unban me cause im probably gonna buy sponsor for the spring break so stupid i hate that guy that said i hack i don't its not fair getting banned for no reason it really is no reason.
Ok And Btw it was last edited today because i was double looking Ok. Because my friend likes to hack i can show you his profile. Unban me i wasnt hacking you got no proof.
Hello @xDeluxePvpFTWx . I am unsure as to if you were hacking or not. You said "Ok And Btw it was last edited today because i was double looking Ok. Because my friend likes to hack i can show you his profile. Unban me i wasnt hacking you got no proof.". 1.Why would we want your friends files? The doesnt really make much sense. 2.When you said that you were "double looking", which implies that you just opened it and looked, that does not update the modification date. The versions folder only gets modified when you add or remove something, like you did. 3. Please do not TELL us to unban you because you have not given us any proof that you DONT hack. Please explain your "Double looking"
Ok well im sorry for saying unban me. Ok and i wasnt hacking im just so mad i got banned for not even hacking. Just cause im better than him and i got better kits. I swear i dont hack i just play a lot and im good so plz give me another chance. Bye and thank you.
Could you please explain why your versions were modified then? And please do not say "I opened the files and checked for something" because just opening the folder does NOT update the modification time.
@xDeluxePvpFTWx and I talked, rejected because he did have hacks. Make a new appeal in 14 days (April 10th 2015)