Member Name WhyWe123 Minecraft Username WhyWe Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? because i told someone that they did not deserve to be a helper. and then i got banned from someone that did not see the conversation. (without warning) Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well every time I make one of this I get banned. Which does not help with the situation so please stop. I mean seriously your can’t just get rid of someone like that. Just because you don’t like them does not mean you should ban them when they are trying to sort-out the situation. And now for all the mods and admins that are a lot of help for the server I thank you are what makes the server so great. But all I want is you to let me prove to you that I am a good, supporting player on the server I vote also I donate, I am polite. And and I go out of my way to help people. Also I try not to break any of the rules like I never hack or swear or put down. Unlike the helper that got me banned when I asked him for help he said (what the fuck do you want) Witch is so irritating. But I did not react to it and I complemented him which is what I think is the right thing to do. I wish that someone can hear me and understand were in coming from.
Your appeals has been rejected, time and time again, yet you keep coming back... Your account on here has been banned, time and time again... Give it up. You're NOT getting unbanned and that's FINAL... Do I make myself clear?
Why just tell me why? And BTW I'm not giving up. not if it takes me a week or 3 years I'm not giving up. I can’t let a very poor choice to ban someone like this just blow over like nothing happened. I have been put down many of times by staff I have been sworn at by staff and I have been banned for a ridicules reason I have been told in stupid because of my age. And someone needs to understand that it’s not good enough. I know that to you I’m just some random from the internet and you think I’m annoying. and you don’t care about anything that has to do with me. but please Have a heart what did I do to deserve what am I doing wrong?
If you continue to post appeals when all of them have been denied you will be banned from the website.