Member Name wesograth Minecraft Username wesograth Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I would like a another chance. but I did nit remember that rule. sorry. something my 7th grade teacher said to me is we are just human we will make mistakes and most of the time we will learn from them. the resin I did it is because I have no one on it for a long time . but I will not do it a gen
The ban was global. Advertising other servers is not accepted by us or any other servers. If we give you another chance you have to promise to never advertise again and follow all server rules. please reassure us that this will be the case.
Member Name wesograth Minecraft Username wesograth Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? this is the first time iv ever ben banned I admit I mad a mistake and it will never happen agen im sorry .
@wesograth We take advertising very seriously. You're using our paid for hardware to steal our players and potential sources of income for yourself. It's basically like stealing. If we don't receive money from donators, we can't pay to keep the servers running and the network dies. We can't pay for development if we don't have an income from players. Do you understand how advertising can be harmful to the server and how it's wrong?
Imograth here, Wesograth's Dad. I have told that kid 100 times not to do it. I say leave him banned for a while. Of course the choice is yours, but he's been warned by me. He knows the drill, we used to play on another server (where I was staff) and he saw me ban 100's of players for advertising. Normally I'd stay out of things, and normally I'd stay off his account but I came to the aem site & found his account logged in with a 'ban appeal' in the alerts so I thought I'd take a look & throw in my two cents.
Merged Appeals. Do not post more. And do respond to the staff handling this appeal or it is a straight denial. @wesograth
my dad didn't let me on the computer when he saw me get banned so I couldn't get here. i'm sorry for advertising on your server. and it wont happen again. my dad told me more how much it hurts a network when people advertise on other servers. he told me that I wont be allowed to play online if I ever get banned again for anything.
Ok we will except your ban appeal, please in future do not break the rules, if we find that you do (and we will find out) you will not have another chance. Please do /rules whenever you join one of our servers and make sure you do not break any.