Member Name Wafcon Minecraft Username blockstacker10 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? When ever I try to log on to AEM it says that I was banned for griefing. I honestly can say that I never griefed anyone/anything on your server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I liked your server alot since it was fast and fun so I used to make YouTube videos on it. I never would have tried to screw up a server that I loved and recorded on. Here Is one od the Videos that I made on your server if you dont believe me: Ps. Puberty hadn't happened before this video was made.
Hello @Wafcon Please explain why grief is not allowed, are you sorry for your actions? It was a long time ago, you may not remember. However, staff to not ban without checking first. Promise to follow all of AEM rules from now on. Do you understand? Please respond within 24 hours.