Member Name treasureland20 Minecraft Username treasureland20 Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? One of the staff members acussed me of using an Anti- Knockback hack. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I really didn't hack. I don't know how to. He, I think Jerekel, tested me out on a sky wars map by throwing snowballs at me. What he didn't realize was that I was on a level that was one block below the block behind me. So when he threw it at me, I moved up and down, but not back and forward. Id I can send files of my .minecraft file. I would be willing to.
You moved all around. You got into a corner, I was throwing them at you, you then moved up a block and were standing on flat ground with no obstructions behind you as I continued to throw probably close to a whole stack of 64 snowballs, maybe more. (yes I stacked more than 16 snowballs) Someone said you were hacking, so I checked, and sure enough, you had anti-knockback. Just you showing me a screencap of some files doesn't prove they are yours. I saw evidence of your hacks, there's nothing you can do to make me change my mind about what I saw and tested.
Maybe you thought wrong, because I was trying not to get pushed off the edge with snowballs. I was going against the snowballs in the other direction. Also, who said I was cheating, every sky wars I played that day I got pushed off by snowballs.