Member Name TomPearuss Minecraft Username TommyPearuss Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? I linked .eu... I was mad im sorry. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should have another chance, because I now realise, quitting AEM has been one of my worst decisions EVER. It is soo much fun, I just hope you can forgive me. I want to come back and enjoy AEM!
Hello there , (can't tag) Linking the eu is very offensive to the owner, giving false information to stop players from playing and prevent new players for coming. It's sad that no one has been unbanned for linking it, that's how serious it is. It's also very disrespectful. You don't seem to be sorry for your actions one bit, just showing that you want back in because there's no where else to go. Usually this appeal would be denied for the fact that you linked the eu. However, If you can convince us that you truly deserve another chance then please, do convince us with all you got. Elaborate on why you deserve another chance and how you should control your anger, why you should never ever link that site. You have 24 hours to respond.