Member Name theraven2001 Minecraft Username theraven2001 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? advertising/ giving people IP addresses Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I probably deserve another chance because I am sorry for breaking the rule about no advertising and in the future I'll think twice before giving my friends IP addresses so they can go on those servers. I was giving out IP addresses because before I go on another server I tell my friend BobaFett129 That I'm going on another server and then he asks for the IP so he can go on with me. So in conclusion, I'm so sorry for breaking the rules of the AEM network.
I'm glad you admitted to it, do think twice the next time you want to do something like this because you may not be given another chance. I am willing to accept this ban appeal if you can promise not to break anymore rules Even if asked by someone, you do not let them lead you down to your doom. So promise? No more breaking rules? Please respond within 24 hours.