Member Name Devon Minecraft Username TheCole3 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? For asking to much Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Im sorry to all staff for constently asking for stuff trolling being rude disrespectful mean im sorry jerekul pyrolily meg avery evan bomber and all of you staff out there im sorry for everything i've done i will make sure not to do it again im sorry i will never ever troll or do anything im espacially sorry to meg for bugging her about it i sorry to everyone even ones not staff ps dont know if its been a week
ok im sorry to all you guys i will change my actions by giveing not asking for or takeing i wont troll im sorry to tall of u
i wont ask for anything on a server unless they say they wanna make a deal and they wanna trade i will not ask for something repetadly
You didn't even answer bomber or explained why you spam-advertised another server on AEM's teamspeak. Sorry is not enough, answer bomber please
ok im sorry i will not spam i wont troll i wont ask i will give i wont ask someone for soemthing over and over again i will stop i wont ask staff for anything i wont ask for rank money gear weapons at all im sorry meg im sorry bomber
@Devon , imagine you own a cookie shop, I come inside your shop and say "Hey everybody! I have a cookie shop, come to my place!" or that's what I'm trying to imply. That's the same as advertising. AND I go into your cookie shop, I ask you to please lock me outside so I can never get inside your shop again, then when you lock me out, I start banging and kicking your door and screaming " LET ME BACK IN!! LET ME BACK!!!" That's what you're currently doing.
ok so i dont get that but ok im sorry i will close down my cookie shop for a while sorry idk wat it means but ok im sorry
Re-read @zRinne 's reply there. If you don't understand it, then there is absolutely no way you can seem to apologize for your actions.
oh i get it im acting like that im asking to be banned and annoying people trolling asking for stuff messing with people messing with staff hurting peoples fillings makeing people mad