Member Name swordsofdiamond Minecraft Username swordsofdiamond Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I was talking to someone about seeing them on the server Mineplex. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I didn't know that saying a different server's name or speaking about it would get me in trouble. I will not speak about it again.
Hello @Evanyoshi , I am sorry I didn't know I was advertising Now that I think about it, I was talking about another server between me and a fellow AEM member. I was just talking about how I once saw her on Mineplex and thought it was a weird coincidence! Weird right? Well anyway, yes it is understandable why you and some other users would call that advertising. It is wrong to advertise for your own good on servers that are just trying to get people to stick to that particular server, than leaving to go to another server (Mineplex in this form.) I deeply apologize and I didn't mean to. I would also like to apologize for the fact that I got into a bit of an argument with @BRICE006 or also known as Master_tech (I forgot the ACTUAL username whoops, but something like that name.) I allowed him to edit my plot in Creative and I noticed something wrong with a system. I own a head shop that was trying real hard to make it popular, and I thought he stole some heads of mine and replaced it with normal heads. Is it possible for you to look at that? I thought he stole them, but it could also be a weird coincidence as a glitch. I forwardly apologize for my mistakes and take full responsibility for starting that little fiasco. Thanks! I hope you can understand my mistake and forgive me! -Swordsofdiamond
Thank you for the sincere ban appeal. I will unban you now, but if I catch you advertising in any way again, there will be no appeal. Enjoy the server
Thank you for forgiving me. Can you explain to me what will happen if there isn;'t an appeal? I am sort of new to this. Not that I will do it again, but what does that mean?
Oh. oh no. What if I forget? Ahh! never mind. Lol sorry for advertising. But isn't that a little harsh from banning someone forever? I mean, you do whatever you want but I wouldn't be that harsh in my opinion. Not like it matters.