Member Name Swag Minecraft Username ETHAN33445566_ Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Hacked Client Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I deserve another chance because I realize hacking is wrong, I just thought it was fun because my friend that was also banned did. But hacking is wrong for a lot of reasons. One, its not fair to other players because hacking gives you extra privileges. Two, Its basically cheating a way through everything making that really unfair to other players. Third And Final, Its against the rules on a lot of servers and i knew that.. i just didn't think i would get caught and i immediately deleted the hack files when i got banned for it knowing it was wrong that i ever did it. please give me a second chance. any reply is greatly appreciated! thanks!
Hello @Swag Thank you for making another ban appeal. You pretty much answered the questions that I would have asked you about your hacked client, and since you came out and said that you were hacking in your other ban appeal, I will unban you. Enjoy the server