Member Name Swag Minecraft Username kingpotatoman Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? for using X-ray Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? bc ill stop using x-ray forever, bc i know X-ray is wrong, So i've learned my lesson and ill never use it again! please unban me! Plus I'm a donator!
Being a donator does not mean that you can ignore the rules and definitely does not mean you will get special consideration on a ban appeal. This is not your first run in with the rules as I see you've been banned for advertising and disrespecting staff in the past. It will take a very good explanation for me to accept this appeal. @Swag you have 24 hours to answer the following questions: 1) What are 3 rules on the Factions server? 2) Why is using x-ray bad? 3) Why should I believe that you won't break more rules in the future? 4) What have you learned?
1) No Afk Machines, No Hacking (What I Did), And No Spamming! 2) Bc You Can Find Ppls Bases With It, And Thats Cheating! 3) Bc I Deleted The X-Ray Hack Right When I Got Banned! 4) That X-ray Is Wrong!
Your ban appeal has been accepted and you have been unbanned. Please be aware this is your last chance and your next ban will be perm with no chance to appeal.