Member Name Super-10 Minecraft Username supersankarit10 Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? I don't know. I have not broken any rules ever. Maybe I got banned because a user with quite similar name "supersankarit" seems to been banned and my user name is quite similar? In my opinion it's not fair to ban all users which name starts with the same beginning if one user in my country with slightly different user name has broken rules. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I have not broken any rules ever. There must be an error or bug when another user has been banned and it affects also to my user name, which differs only 2 last characters.
I still get a "global ban" error when connecting to the server. I have never broken any rules and I don't understand why I can't play any more. Could any admin please check this error?
I don't understand when player "playername" is banned why players "playername1", "playername10" and "playername200" are banned as well. It's not fair :-(
Now here's the deal... Both supersankarit and supersankarit10 share the SAME IP... That means SAME router in the SAME household/area. Not to mention same UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier), meaning same computer as well. You have one and ONLY one chance to come clean about this. We know it was you, so might as well come clean and not lie to us. @Super-10
As I explained a user supersankarit has got banned. He is My friend and he explained he used some mod called Weepcraft. I have never used any mods against the rules. I have only a texture Pack. Yes, We sometimes use the same wireless router, when he is not in wired connection. We both have bought Original mojang games 2 years ago my friend registered the name supersankarit and My Dad registered me later the name supersankarit10. I'm 9 years old and don't know English. I asked My Dad To write this. Anyway, i have Never been banned anywhere and used only a texture Pack and sometimes tried optifine to get better graphics. I only wanted to play the zombies and I used a whole day to look for a similar server, but I Could not. I once asked supersankarit to play with me and when he joined, we both we banned. I don't understand why I am banned. You can check from the log that I have not used any against the rules. It is not fair, that I cant play any more. I did not broke any rules!
You were globally ip banned by our owner for use the usage of another account to evade a ban on another account, and because of that this appeal will be denied.