Member Name stalls Minecraft Username stallsmithHI Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? grief Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i don't think i griefed the server i love this server and it is on of my favorite things however i think it mightve been my sister with also loves minecraft she was kinda mad at me cuz we got in a fight so she said she would get revenge so i guess this was the revenge i would never grief and i am so sorry
Member Name stalls Minecraft Username stallsmithHI Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? grief Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i don't think i griefed the server i love this server and it is on of my favorite things however i think it mightve been my sister with also loves minecraft she was kinda mad at me cuz we got in a fight so she said she would get revenge so i guess this was the revenge i would never grief and i am so sorry
Please do not enter more than one ban appeal at a time. Please wait till staff has gone over the problem and considered possible outcomes for your situation. @pyrolily handled the ban. Thanks Be patient.
Why do you think griefing is wrong and if i unban you will you do it again. please respond within 24 hours