Member Name Soyman Minecraft Username konkonsoy Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? I think he said it was anti knockback? Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? it was awhile ago and i wasn't even hacking, there was lots of lagg due to the amount of zombies and as i recall i was getting ping ponged around, anyways just decided to start playing on here again so if you could un-ban me that would be nice
You were banned for Hacked Client (AntiKB) by one of the owners. Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft folder + mod + ver (Do not crop your image) Be sure to show the last modification date as well. Explain why is hack clients not allowed, promise to follow all the rules of AEM. Please respond within 24 hours.
@zRinne I think I actually banned them pre-new system, I always check the TPS of the server as well as watch from above. You had multiple zombies around you, as well as flaming zombies (explosive ones) hit you and detonate on you. If it was lag, you'd still would of gotten knocked around, a wee bit later than the initial hit
as you can see i only blotted out my name, also i don't break rules i don't have a hacked client and (with all due respect) i will stick with the fact that i never had one despite whatever it is Pip saw, just pointing that out, that being said hacked clients are not allowed because it is cheating and of course i will follow all the rules, just as i was last time. anyways thanks for the response
Um it appears that i am unbanned from the server, but still in jail on the zombie server, any help please?
Member Name Soyman Minecraft Username konkonsoy Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? still banned Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? im still stuck in the prison area even after being un-banned