Member Name Shae Weber Minecraft Username Killbitchs123 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I cant remember why i was banned, but i wanna play the server again, its been a full year, and i just wanna play my old server, i loved it alot. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because i think a year is long enough for a ban, and i wanna donate and be a good person with the server, like stay with it.
You were banned for having a hacked client. Please post screenshots of your .minecraft folder, mods folder, and versions folders here for us to inspect the contents. Do not crop the images. We must be able to see the last modified date. You can upload them to an image hosting site such as and post the links here. Also, please explain why you believe hacking is unfair and not allowed.