Member Name screeture Minecraft Username screeture Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? so on 6/10/15 i was banned by tree_killer on factions with him accusing me of x ray without hard proof. with that being said he did catch me fair and square. i was using x ray. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? while i was being a boner and using x ray i didnt use it to raid anyone. i have never done anything on aem to warrant any kind of trouble and really enjoy aem. i can promise(for what its worth) to not do it ever again and am willing to submit to whatever verfication staff require from me when im on with no nonesense or arguing. i hope that even though ya'll deal with this and people all the time u are willing to give an old fart another chance. thanks for considering it and again im sorry for the x ray. Screeture - AEM4Life
Hey dude, I did have hard evidence I was following you in /v and watched you looking at the ground for some time.. Then watched you dig straight down on top of a spawner! In saying that... I do like you and do respect you on Factions! Like you said you've never been in trouble etc before and you seem a very mature and reasonable guy. I would love to get you back on facs so could you please post a screen shot of your resource packs file and versions folder? If this is all cleared up since you were banned i'd be happy to un-ban you -Tree