Member Name Royalaceness Minecraft Username Royalaceness Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? Griefing Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I placed every single place back from the beacon from a team but I don't quite remember which one. If I didn't place every single block back I may have it. Uhm, this server is really fun to play when I'm not on Skygrid...or when it's down *cough cough* Avery *cough* But It's super fun especially with the "special" powers you get. I do sincerely apologize for my recent behavior.
Tell me why griefing is bad? Tell me why you wont grief again? Tell me why you deserver a second chance? You have 24 hrs to respond
You're making me do this ? I'm not 5 D: But fine Griefing is bad because stealing is stupid and griefing just ruins the other people's fun. And I'm not that kind of person. Everyone has that bad side but only the strong minded will refuse to let it out. Why I wont grief again? This question doesn't make sense but I won't grief again but I just want to enjoy my time off from work and college. And the third question has already been answered, I Just want to have something fun to do during my break time. Thanks for you time Angel !
You seem to understand what you've done wrong, you have to earn your blocks by mining or purchasing it, you do not take what isn't yours. Since you understand that griefing and stealing is wrong, and that you said you won't do it again (also not breaking any other rules) I will accept this appeal. Welcome back to survival