Member Name roriko Minecraft Username roriko Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? Anti-Knockback Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because i love the skywars, its my favorite game, and i will not hack, please give me another chance. I will not cause more problems. Please just ban me for 1 week or less.(Sorry for my bad english) If i hack again you can ban me. Please give me another chance
Please take a screenshot showing your versions folder to show that you've deleted your hacked client. That would go a long way in approving this appeal.
In skywars spawn, when you end a game or log in, there's a board stating rules and one of them is: " Do not use client mods or hacks. (Instant ban) " If you understand that and promise not to hack again also like what @BloodyJT said. And we would consider accepting your ban appeal.