Member Name RGChamp11 Minecraft Username RGChamp11 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? Globally Banned Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance on this server because i don't know what i did wrong to be real with you i didn"t hack i don't think i did something wrong.
@RGChamp11 You were banned for advertising... Like we stated in your last FOUR (4) appeals that you didn't reply to us on any of them... I'm giving you ONE (1) last attempt to respond to our questions/concerns on this before any more will be rejected, as it's taking up our time to reply to someone who's not willing to talk with us about their ban.
1. I don't know where to check it and 2.oo i was talking about a diff server thats why mek2002 didn't want me talking about that stuff
Sorry Pip, I told this guy to re-do his appeal and check the darn thing so we can see if he would be unbanned. I hope you don't mind me doing this... Talking about/mentioning/giving the name or IP of a different server on AEM is not allowed. Anything like that, whether in private message or main chat, is considering advertising. Do you understand that? We will consider accepting this appeal if you can tell me: 1. Why we do not allow advertising. 2. That you have read and understand all the /rules. 3. That you won't advertise anymore. You have 24 hours to respond. @RGChamp11
3. i will not ad anymore i made the worst mistake i had alot of good friends on this server like meky2002 cole of souls i wish i never got banned i sorry for telling a dif server i will never do that again if i do ban me but i say something close to a server name please don't count it please understand that im sorry 2. yes i kinda have maybe not like 4 1.yes i understand you don't want anyone leaving your server hope i pass the *test* <3 -RGChamp11