Member Name RedWarrior27 Minecraft Username RedWarrior27 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? For Hacks/Kill Aura Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Well, I have recently donated 15$ to this fantastic server just for the fun of pvping ... i dont even know a hacking client that is used for pvping because hacking is not acceptable.. i am just good at pvp... i used tons of god apples at least 6 before i was banned and that was y he couldnt kill me... Please! i only want another chance i promise i wont eat that many god apples again in one pvp battle!
I wouldn't have banned you for eating too many gods at one time. I was persuaded that you hacked. I'm willing to accept this appeal if you respond to me within 24 hours explaining why any form of hacking would make the game unfair, and that you understand these rules and why we have them.
Hacking is not acceptable in any format what ever the game is, hacking gives a higher advantage to them self and the others are let down because they keep being killed by hacker, its unfair also because everybody should be having the same advantage and not to have the hacking advanage... i don't exactly know allot about hacking... but i do understand the rules, because i have just double checked them and will maintain the updated rules so this does not occur again. The rules are needed because if servers didn't have rules there is no chance that they will be able to keep people in there place and meaning people can just used hacking clients as much as they would love to because there is no rules saying no to it, this server expesicaly would need rules because kitpvp is known to have hackers on many servers but they dont want to have them ofc... and by having rules helps the servers have a reason to ban people, to tempban people etc... I have to say... im atualy glad that there are staff on kitpvp... many other servers dont have staff monitoring there servers all the time but this server does! Thats a good thing! I'm sorry that you may have presumed and that is not ur fault and it is my fault for not making sure i wasn't hacking when i don't hack!