Member Name PigletSlab Minecraft Username 360potato Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I was telling someone about my server then we collaborated elsewhere. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I play on the the server often and have donated $15.00 for supporter and would like to be able to play again with my friends
I've warned you about mentioning servers and advertising other servers on AEM is strictly not allowed, even if its your own server, it still brings players away from AEM, it's rather disappointing as you're a player that plays regularly on the server, and I warned you to not advertise as a reminder to you but you didn't listen to me and continued talking about it and asking players to go onto that server 5min after the warn. Please explain yourself, including why is advertising not allowed on the server and promise you won't do it again, then I'll consider accepting this appeal. Respond within 24h. @PigletSlab
Member Name PigletSlab Minecraft Username 360potato Which server were you banned on? SkyWars Why were you banned from this server? I was playing a game of Skywars telling my good friend,The_Rock_er that i had some work to do on my server and that I would be back later, he wanted to join it and help. So I asked him if he had Skype or any instant messaging of that sort to give him the IP and he said he didnt have anything like that. Then i asked him if he knew about another server called Mineplex he also said no. He said he was searching for it online. I never told him to do so,never gave him an IP,or give him my server's IP. After he found the IP ONLINE we went on the server and I gave him the IP for my server. He had trouble connecting to the server ,so we met back on here and I told him ONLY these things: it needs to be on 1.7.10,it had a few errors with new players,and that it was mine. And I NEVER gave him any IP for ANY SERVER on AEM skywars. I was merely telling him about my server NOT advertising. And if even conversating about other servers is prohibited I am sincerely sorry for the trouble i have caused. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I have many very good friends on the server, i am very friendly,i have bought supporter rank on skywars,and AEMnetwork is 100% truly my favorite server.Im even friends with the mod who banned me,zRinnn. But Those are not the reasons i think i deserve another chance,the sincere reasons are that I made a honest mistake. I said earlier I was trying to give my good friend the IP for my server so we could play. I now realize that i did in a few aspects did advertise Mineplex. I tried to not to advertise ON AEM. The ban message reads "You have been banned the 09-10-2014 at 18:33 by zRinnn from this server for: advertising other servers even after being warned." I don't remember being told not to advertise by anyone besides the signs I try to vote every day and still am,not for the goodies,not for the points,but for the fact that the server is my FAVORITE server. You could take away all the perks of voting and I would still vote as often as I am now I have even voted today. but I think my main reason is that I have made an honest mistake as I said in the reason I was banned. I will never advertise or talk about other servers EVER again on AEM if you choose to un-ban me.I had tried to make a ban appeal yesterday but I didn't really think about anything besides I wanted to play on the server but I have had all day to think about it and I think I should get one more chance.I have one more thing to consider... If i was going to advertise my server do you think i would have gone though the trouble of going on on a very big server -that is not easy to meet on- to give it to him? with all do respect Kristian Darling yes Darling is my last name :/
1st things 1st, please do not make multiple ban appeals, you should reply to this ban appeal instead. This is the screenshot of you being warned which was before your ban. Mentioning of server names is considered advertising, in any form of speech, even if it's your own server, it still pulls player out of aem. Looking at you, which is a rather old and active player on AEM I decided to warn you first instead of a straight ban, but you still kept going at it despite the warning. I hope you learned from your mistake and do not repeat that same mistakes again. I'm accepting this appeal, next repeated offence will be severe. You have been unbanned. Enjoy your stay on AEM. Thank you for that sincerity, and I hope you are really.