Member Name Patedge12 Minecraft Username Patedge12 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I was banned on this server for greifing 202 blocks even though i haven't greifing and haven't been on in ten weeks, and Its dumb because I spent my money on this server. I was let off with a warning at first and I Built my house in the wilderness, I don't know why i got banned but I was not on in a very very long time, so I hope if i was banned for a reason It is explained to me. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance because I was banned for no exact reason. I was left off with a warning and never broke a rule after that, then I took a break and now this is where i am banned for no reason.
Hello there, can't tag. Do you know the player vyolet? I will be doing some checking and will come back to you in 24 hours. Please explain why grief is not allowed, promise to follow all AEM server rules.