Member Name Parker Newell Minecraft Username butter_blockes Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? i don't know Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I am a long time player and I want to pay zombies im a donor and I love the server. plz and thank you
Member Name Parker Newell Minecraft Username butter_blockes Which server were you banned on? Zombies Why were you banned from this server? I said the server suck on reset Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I love this server, I don't hate it because I came back, im a donor and my great friend showed me the server is was like a year or 2 ago I loved it. #LoveAEMForLive
@Parker Newell our server logs show you've never been banned. Please respond by telling us what it says when you attempt to connect. Respond soon so we can attempt to resolve this in a timely manner and clear this appeal.
you are banned from this server Reason: Banned U ngreatful littel kit appeal on the forums - that is what is says my ign is butter_blockes
Oh yeah... I remember you... You were throwing a fit because you lost all the stuff you had when we updated to Zombies 2.0 and were disrespecting staff, players and the server.
I've attempted to clear his ban as well as banning and unbanning, to no avail. Pretty sure there's nothing we can do to fix this.
Regardless of what you did, we can't unban you since our system says you are NOT banned @Parker Newell.
I don't mean to stick my nose in here.. but since the system says you are not banned , can you maybe show us a current screenshot showing you being unable to join the server and your ban message ? Just seems to make sense to confirm it first by image and have a record of it being confirmed before discussing any.. reparations.
He wouldn't really be gaining anything. He stated already what it tells him when he tries to log on and it has a ban reason. I'll demote him on zombies and just give him a rank on one of the two servers he chose to transfer it to sometime today. If he doesn't pick one, then I'll pick one for him.
Oh! I got it. You were banned under our old ban system. You are now unbanned from the zombies server! Take care and be sure to follow the rules in the future.