Member Name PanKaK_King Minecraft Username P_A_A_N_K_A_K Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? trolling the only reason i did is because they were disrupting my bans and being nasty too me i didnt know what to do no one ever answers me on this website so i seeked revenge i regret it i payed lots of money on this server. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? It was my first time being banned it wont happen again i will be good as possible wont play on creative anymore. Please i really want another chance.
Hello there @PanKaK_King , Could you please elaborate on this: What do you mean by "disrupting your bans" and "no one ever answers me on this website" as I see only 2 threads started by you which are: Staff App Ban Appeal (this) Please promise to follow all of AEM rules from now on, do respond within 24 hours. We would like to ensure players enjoy themselves here so please do clarify the above question(s). Thank you.
disrupting my buildings sorry wrong word and i stoped putting threads i havnt had this account too long.
when i said disrupting bans i ment disrupting buildings excuse me for that and and when i said disrupting bans i ment buildings and i dont thread anymore and i stopped thats what i ment