Member Name oliviatheone Minecraft Username oliviatheone Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? i was banned on all servers be coz of swearing + multi griefing and i am ashamed of it oh and i sweared at a admin/mod lots of times Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? aem network is the BEST server and i spend all my time on it and i have so many friends on it so i just atleast want 1 more chance plz and if i break it u can ban me FOREVER and never let me back on i really want 1 more chance plz
Olivia your were given so many warnings by myself and zRinne you have said you would not do it again before and then proceeded to do it again the next day, can you tell me why if i unban you this time it will be any different you have 24 hours to reply.