Member Name NBA_NETS Minecraft Username windoge9 Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I poored lava on my friends cow and my ign was UGRY_BRACK_ONE from Norbit but was called racist. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I have waited a good month or two id say, I got banned 2 days after donating and changed my user oh and you guys banned my 5 year old brother for "ban evasion"....anyway thank you have a good one.
Sorry but i do not see you put forward any reason your ban should be lifted other then "its been a good month or 2 since the ban" Donating does not give anyone the right to break the rules, you should think long and hard about why griefing is not acceptable and explain to us why. As for your name i think it is obvious why it is not acceptable, but you can change that with no problem. @Jerekul was the Admin to ban you and he will be the one that decides if you will be unbanned, and i can tell you now that your unban argument is well short of the mark required to have your ban lifted. Please try and be honest and sincere with any further replys
Yes sir. Yeah sorry about that meg D: and I understand and it seems fair. I have learned why griefing is wrong though cuz karma! I have been griefed on another server while waiting to come back and let me tell you it sucked. Also if it means not playing on this server is a real bummer because it's been the server the guys and I come to since day one! keep me updated on what he says. I didn't get a notification also so sorry about late replies. -Windoge9
It means that you will be unbanned but if you break anymore rules, you will not get a second change. Do you understand? @NBA_NETS