Member Name mr_snorkel Minecraft Username Mr_Snorkel Which server were you banned on? SkyBlock Why were you banned from this server? i was banned because i was bad to people and i got banned from the hole server aem because i told bomber hat i wish that he dies. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? it will really mean a lot to me i would never ever be bad again if i would bann me and never talk to me again and i also will like to be unbanned in 2015 so i can start a fresh page in a new year.
I'm not even seeing an ounce of you being apologetic towards what you've done. All I'm seeing is someone that just want back on the server and couldn't care about what they've done. Telling staff, or anyone in that matter, that you wish they'd die is plainly WRONG. I know if I said that EVER to anyone my grandma and granny would raise from their graves and slap me to 2050. On top of this you have multiple other bans... Griefing Arguing with staff Inappropriate chat As well as a few kicks for spamming/harassing players and staff. All of which was within 2 months... I would LOVE to see some sort of an apology to @BomberDude96 because that's the lowest of the low of what you said.
@mr_snorkel I'm hoping to see a well written apology and a very good reason other than: because that's not even cutting it close.
Keep this appeal open until January 9th, 4 AM EST. If there is NO reply from @mr_snorkel by that time all further appeals will be automatically rejected, no questions asked.
It's been long enough. Mr_Snorkel is not to be allowed back onto AEM. All future appeals will be DENIED. I will alert the player to this.