Member Name mouseman6341 Minecraft Username mouseman6341 Which server were you banned on? Survival Why were you banned from this server? I was cleaning up old houses near my house and I did not know that they were still in use Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Because I love this server and I need a place to record videos and this is my first time getting ban ever. I am very sorry.
Because you thinking a house was not in use gives no excuse to grief. If you didn't place it, then don't break it. How would you know if the player is still active and isn't on at different times than you are? Or what if the player is on vacation/holiday and they come back to seeing their house is gone? Put yourself into their shoes on that one. Also it wasn't a "house clean up" as you put it, it was MULTIPLE different spots, including a zombie pigman farm. Other bits of redstone here and there though out the town. I find that your excuse is falling apart faster than a building set with demolition charges. So please give me a better reason to unban you.