Member Name Mouayed Minecraft Username Ayoodcraft_ksa Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? Cz Itz_Ace were fighting for the stone then my bro won the stone in auc then Itz_Ace said badwords to my bro then my bro said the word back to him Then Itz_Ace Called His Friend Which Is PicasoToFame Then He said Il get you banned i told him why wont you Banned Itz_Ace he said Itz_Ace is my friend .. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Cz ididnt do anything and if i did il never do it agian Cz Aem Is my life i was playing aem from 3 years and i never got banned
Um I never once said Itz_Ace is my friend, you were banned for extreme cursing on skyblock over 3-4 days ago. You decided to keep coming back on several accounts and IPs and continuing your little rant. So you were IP banned, even after that you were able to find your way back on. I didnt ban Itz_Ace because he didnt do anything wrong. You on the other hand even continued the swearing once I got there. If you wanna continue to lie, you can stay banned. If you would like to go ahead and tell the truth we can talk about an unban. You have 24 hours to respond.
Member Name Mouayed Minecraft Username Ayoodcraft_Ksa Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? I Was Banned To The Server Because I Said Bad Words To Itz_Ace Iam Sorry Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Ithink i deserve another chance and i promise the server i will always respect the admin and the peapole a play with Thank You Aem
I Say The Truth PicasoToFame Iam Sorry Your Right But Ididnt Know The Server Rules Cz Inever do /rules PicasoToFame Iam Sorry EvreyThing You Said Its Right
And PicasoToFame When I Told You Iam Abu_7modxproS Brother Its True Iam His Brother and ask anyone ask biggisk and pile_of_twinkes