Member Name Moope787 Minecraft Username moope787 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was banned from factions because I raided Narnial's base then they accused me of hacks in rage. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance because i have never used hacks and it is very silly that i was accused of hacks because raiding narnial base . I did /tpa and he accepted me into his base then killed me but i sethome.
Hello @Moope787 , as I've said earlier, you will have to provide your files to prove innocent in which you refused to. Please take a screenshot of your .minecraft + mod + ver (Do not crop, show last modification date) Upload your images to >CLICKHERE< Then link it back here. Explain why is hacking not allowed. Please respond within 24 hours.
It doesn't have to be uploaded to, anywhere is fine as long as you can provide the following files : .minecraft folder Mods folder Version folder With the last modification shown, do not crop the image.
zRinne I was speaking to EvanYoshi about this, but I simply cant take screenshots it will not work. I was given no other choice & I shouldn't even be banned because narnial doesn't even have any proof of me hacking thats why he logged off so nobody could ask him what I was doing I wasnt using hacks the only thing I did was use a gap p4 and strength 2 and speed pots. I was able to come back because I sethome in his base. He was angry with me before that any way because I killed him in pvp. I should never have been banned because its as if i was banned off factions for playing minecraft. I know why Hacking is wrong it can give players very unfair advantages like being invincible, teleporting and things like Super strength and aimbot. Some even steal money from credit cards and thing like that. So please please unban me I did nothing wrong, honestly I did nothing besides raiding his base. We both know he just reported me in rage because I raided him. please unban me
@Moope787 you are not being unbanned without screenshots of your folders, like I have explained numerous times. you can not just "not be able to take screenshots"... We will need to see your files in the next 24 hours or this appeal will be denied I'm sorry but you're going to have to show us your files if you want to be unbanned. You can screenshot by doing: Find the Prnt Scrn button on your keyboard Click Prnt Scrn Go to and click upload at the top left corner Ctrl v Upload and copy paste the link here Or Download a screenshot software like the one I have : Lightshot
Ok I will, i am honestly sorry this is taking so long. Everything is going wrong for me. I just want to get back onto factions. Also I noticed something its says add file what does that mean? will this work ? will this help me get unbanned
minimap is not allowed. Also, do not tell me to unban you, you will be unbanned when we feel it is earned.
Oh ya, this is kind of embarrassing but I cant even download minimap. None of the mods work. I will delete it any way if u want
That is not how it works. You had an illegal client in your mods folder, which shows that you were using a type of illegal client, which you said that you didnt have.